Wednesday, December 23, 2009


The Wall Street Journal had a recent article about the "Power of Magical Thinking", and highlighted a study that showed how cognitive development and imagination in childhood is an important aspect in understanding reality.  The study touched on belief in Santa and other fantasy characters, and what influences how and when children distinguish between what is real and what is not.  I thought the article was really interesting, a glimpse into how kids cope and process the world around them. 

But what do you do when you are asked that dreaded question, is Santa real?  A few years ago our daughter, then 7, was clearly struggling with the idea that Santa really didn't make much sense, and asked us point blank what was up.  We hemmed and hawed and tried to think of something to say, and she said 'Really, tell me the truth!'  So we dropped the bomb and for a split second there was disappointment, followed by a sense of relief on her end. 

Experts recommend asking curious kids who appear ready for the truth, "Is there something you saw or heard that makes you think Santa isn't real?" and "What do you think?" to try and encourage a balance that to lets children be open to possibility but also to question.  Another article that addresses this issue can be found in the London Free Press

The magic of Christmas is so much more than believing in Santa - but what fun it is when kids still have that innocent excitement on Christmas morning!!  Even though some of are long past the days of truly believing, we're looking forward to Friday and all the enjoyment of the season....

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