Monday, November 2, 2009

Baby Einstein Videos - Disney Offers Refunds

While the bright colors and moving objects set to catchy, classical music might be marketing genuis, the Disney executives are admitting that watching the Baby Einstein video series aren't going to make your baby any smarter than the next kid on the block.  In fact, they are offering refunds up to $15.99 for each DVD purchased between June 5, 2004 and September 5, 2009.  The offer, which doesn't require a receipt, is good for up to 4 DVDs until March 10, according to an October 23, 2009 New York Times article.

Many parents view the videos as beneficial for their babies, or at the very least not harmful even though the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no screen time at all for children under the age of 2.  One group, the Campaign for a Commercial-free Childhood, has been lobbying for marketing restrictions, saying that companies such as Disney ought to acknowledge that their products are not 'educational', even suggesting that Disney be 'held accountable' and that parents should be owed compensation for misleading advertising. 

I think parents deserve more credit in this regard - while we are ultimately responsible for what our young children are exposed to in terms of media, I doubt that most consumers actually think that having their babies watch a daily dose of Baby Einstein videos will improve their IQs drastically.  If anything, it just made us all feel dumb for not coming up with the idea to market a video of colorful toys set to music for $15.99 each!  What do you think - have Baby Einstein videos harmed or helped your child, or are they just a great way to get some vacuuming done while baby is engaged for a few minutes?

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