Monday, November 30, 2009

Tis the Season - Reducing Holiday Stress

In addition to sweets, presents, family, and fun, the holidays can also induce ulcers, gallstones, and headaches!  If you don't think that kids are prone to the stressful hustle and bustle of the holiday season, think again.  Kids can be quite sensitive to the changes in routine, excitement, travel, food, and general overstimulation that accompany the season of giving. 

We were able to spend a few relaxing days on Maui over the Thanksgiving holiday and the take home message I got was that the kids were just as happy with a pool and some quality family time than a big turkey dinner with the accompanying stresses of dressing up, food preparation, etc.  Of course we would love to live closer to family and enjoy grandparents (and mom's home cooking!!) and cousin time, but we also recognized that we can help kids reduce the stress of the holidays by taking a few steps back and simplifying things for them.

A few tips for managing the holidays with little ones are:
  • Stick to your routines as much as possible.  Keeping bedtimes and naptimes routine will help avoid over-exhausted kids.  
  • Keep nutritious foods around, and encourage healthy habits including routine excersize
  • Plan ahead to avoid last minute anxiety.
  • Talk to your kids about tradition and spirituality and the importance of those things in your holiday celebrations.
  • Plan a 'giving' activity like serving food at a shelter, preparing stockings for less fortunate kids, or taking cookies to elderly neighbors.
Most of all, take time to step back and enjoy the season of giving, family, friends, food, and traditions!  In the end, the kids will remember those lasting memories more than they will the toys....

1 comment:

Gayle said...

Your little one looks like she *gets* how to truly reduce holiday stress...on a hammock in Maui! Good advice for all of us...a solid reminder that the holidays don't have to be chaotic and exhausting.