Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Building Science Skills

Tomorrow I get to help judge the 6th graders school science fair projects - I'm excited to see all the innovation and energy the kids put into their work.  As a scientist myself, I am always looking for ways to encourage kids, especially girls, to take an interest in science.  Its such a dynamic field, with so many real life applications. 

I have a few simple suggestions for building simple science skills for kids.  The first is really easy - simply explore with your kids, ask them questions about their surroundings, and help them use deductive reasoning to figure out a problem.  Just a quick walk outside can open up a whole new way of thinking - what creates a rainbow?  Why are some critters camoflagued? 

The next idea is to cook with your kids.  I know, it can be a little messy, but cooking is a great way to introduce experiments, measuring, and interactions between solids, liquids, and gases.  Its like a mini-lab without the dangerous chemicals - and there's usually a yummy incentive to finishing the experiment!

Another idea is to ask your kids to conceptually design inventions to make school work easier, to get household chores done faster, or for other purposes they can readily relate to.  Its a fun way to think outside the box and learn how to put ideas into action.

The last piece of advice I have is to encourage and support your kids with positive comments. Encourage them to join science clubs or attend fun science activities sponsored by schools or local libraries.  Science is fun!

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