Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Having a Good Back-Up System Means Going the Extra Mile

Safety issues concerning children who are backed over by cars while playing in driveways has become a national (and avoidable) tragedy. It is estimated by the safety group Kids and Cars that two children per week suffer injury and death from this hazard ( Sadly, over 70 percent of these injuries and deaths involve a driver who is a direct relative of the child. Often, those who love them the most are responsible for the tragedy.

What can be done?

Car manufacturers offer new and innovative tools to help avoid such tragedies such as special backing up devices, mirrors and special safety lenses which are designed to reduce the blind spots directly behind your vehicle. These safety tools allow you to see children, pets, toys and other obstructions which the drivers of most vehicles would otherwise miss.

Backup accidents are avoidable with a little help from this technology but the absolute best solution to this ever-increasing problem is for drivers to make a habit of walking around their vehicles before backing up to make certain there are no obstacles. We live in a hurry-up world which is filled with many distractions and it is behind the wheel of a vehicle where parents can be the most distracted. Let’s slow down before getting behind the wheel of a car and make that very important trip around the outside of our cars to insure the safety and security of our children. We make certain that they “buckle-up” once inside the car, so let’s “go the extra mile” and keep them safe when they aren’t in their safety belts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of walking around your car before you back out. It will take maybe an extra 2 seconds out of your busy day, but it could save a life. Very good post.