Monday, November 16, 2009

Teaching Children to be Thankful

According to, the word thankful has two meanings.

1. Aware and appreciative of a benefit; grateful.

2. Expressive of gratitude: a thankful smile.

Are your kids thankful? In this holiday season of giving thanks, why not sit down with your children and have each person write down five things that they are thankful for? This is an activity that the whole family can do together. Remember, the more simple you can make it the better. You can even create a "Thankful Binder" and update the binder from year to year with the present year gratitude's. Younger children will enjoy coloring and creating their own thankful pages. Each year will bring a new awareness of things to be happy about as you sit with your family and enjoy reading the pages of gratitude.

This is a fun family tradition that doesn't cost a lot of money, but will leave a lasting impression on you and your children.


Anonymous said...

Feeling thankful is a hard concept for kids to grasp but I think this idea might work for our family. The youngest ones can enjoy drawing pictures for their gratitude pages too. Thanks for a good Thanksgiving idea!

Jen Howick said...

At my 5 yr old's birthday party last year, as he opened each present from his friends, he said, "This is NOT what I wanted!" It was so embarrassing! Needless to say, we had a quick lesson on being GRATEFUL!