Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I love it because it has all the joys of family, comfort foods, and love and gratitude like Christmas, but without all the stress of the presents!When we were growing up, we lived near cousins, aunts and uncles and one set of grandparents. I have such wonderful memories of our Thanksgivings together at our home. I can almost smell the turkey, Granny’s brussel sprouts, the rolls, and yams. We felt important, drinking Martinelli’s out of glass goblets and eating off beautiful plates and using mom’s real silverware. But most of all we felt loved, included, and we were well fed!Things are different now--my family is all spread across the country and we can’t all be together for Thanksgiving. But it’s ok, we have good memories of the past and so many things to be grateful for in the present.When we were younger we would sit and write things we were thankful for after our feast.

Now that I’m a mom, my list is quite different. But here are a few things I think I will add to my list this year:
I am thankful for:
* five little faces that greet me every morning (even if they aren’t smiling…)
* an amazing sense of hearing and listening. I can listen to two or even three totally different conversations coming at me at the same time.
* a gigantic dog that cleans those hard to reach places under the kitchen table.
* a husband that is a master at changing diapers and can take four kids on an outing every Sunday afternoon so I can rest.
* a van that functions and that is my home away from home.
* the toddler toilet in said van that has saved me thousands of trips into public restrooms with those five little faces.
* another year to enjoy Thanksgiving and take in all that it offers us.

Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

You have some wonderful and happy memories to enjoy during times when your family isn't together. There's nothing like being 'home for the holidays.' Your thankful list is a sweet and fun reminder that we can find little things to be thankful for under most circumstances.