Thursday, December 17, 2009

Children's H1N1 Vaccine recall

The news today is reporting to the public that 800,000 doses of H1N1 vaccine directed at children ages 6 months to 3 years have been recalled due to a suspected decrease in strength and potency. Physicians have been notified of the voluntary recall, however it is believed that most of the vaccine has been administered to children. The CDC is reassuring parents however that there is no need to be concerned; the vaccine their child received is safe, it just may be lacking in potency.

You can see a link to today's headline at FOX news here.

I suppose the take home message for parents is keep washing hands religiously and keep kids home when they don't feel well and away from others who are sick. It will be challenging to keep kids healthy this season when family members get together for holiday festivities and everyone is sleeping over at Grandma's. It may be a good idea to arrive at your holiday parties with bottles of hand sanitizer (or germ blaster as we call it!) to have around the house and try to keep those nasty contagious germs at bay.

Stay healthy this holiday!!

1 comment:

MATT E said...

My subjective sense is that this year's flu spread seems to be slowing, a lot. In October and November I was seeing many cases, and in December I don't think I saw a single case.