Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Choosing the Right School for Your Child

We are knee deep into the school year right now, but for some it is time to re-evaluate their child’s school situation and start considering options for next year, especially for those in private settings. Since we have an impending move coming in the next six months, I’m finding myself referring to to check out information on possible schools. I found a great article on that website that outlined some things to ask and think about when considering a school, so I thought I’d pass them on.

* Does your child require special attention due to learning or physical disabilities?

* How close do you need to be to the school? If you live far from the school, is there after school care to watch your child before you get off work?

*Do the facilities meet your expectations? Are they clean, safe, and are there ample supplies/resources for the children?

*What kind of extra-curricular activities are offered (sports, music, art, theater, etc.)?

*How much homework is required of older students? At what age is homework sent home?

*What does the school expect in terms of parent involvement? Does it accommodate to your schedule and ability to be involved at school?

*What is the school’s discipline policy?

*What are the teacher to student ratios? Are teachers appropriately educated, certified and credentialed?

*What does it cost?

Kids spend a large portion of their day at school, and school greatly affects their development. It is where they learn social skills, academics, and how to follow directions--life skills that need to be taught in a way that will work for you and your child. I know for us finding the right preschool was very hard to do. One of the best ways I have found good schools have been by word of mouth. Make a list of questions that are important to you and don’t be afraid to ask them. Good luck finding the right fit for your child---happy learning!

Go to for more information...

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